The non-commutative A-polynomial of (-2,3,n) pretzel knots

The material on this webpage accompanies the article The non-commutative A-polynomial of (-2,3,n) pretzel knots by Stavros Garoufalidis and Christoph Koutschan.

p    Recurrence for Jp,n(q)
-5CJK.-5.1.rec.m (3029 kB)
-4CJK.-4.1.rec.m (479 kB)
-3CJK.-3.1.rec.m (37 kB)
-2CJK.-2.1.rec.m (2 kB)
-1CJK.-1.1.rec.m (1 kB)
0CJK.0.1.rec.m (1 kB)
1CJK.1.1.rec.m (1 kB)
2CJK.2.1.rec.m (3 kB)
3CJK.3.1.rec.m (101 kB)
4CJK.4.1.rec.m (967 kB)
5CJK.5.1.rec.m (5555 kB)

Download all recurrences in a zip file: (3662 kB)

See also the corresponding webpage of Stavros Garoufalidis.