Lattice Green's Functions of the Higher-Dimensional Face-Centered Cubic Lattices

(by Christoph Koutschan)
Visualization of the 3D face-centered cubic lattice

On this webpage we give supplementary material which accompanies our article Lattice Green's Functions of the Higher-Dimensional Face-Centered Cubic Lattices.

In particular, we provide a Mathematica notebook

containing all computations that are necessary to show that our theorems are correct. Some certificates (those that take more than just a few minutes to be computed - the others are directly computed in the notebook) are given here: Unzip these files and make sure that the data files fcc5_cert.m and fcc6_cert.m are stored in a directory such that Mathematica can find them. They will be loaded at the appropriate positions in the notebook.

Additional packages that are needed for these computations and verifications are Asymptotics and HolonomicFunctions. If you are only interested in the differential equations and believe them without checking the proof, you can download them here: