ICMS 2020 Session: Computational Algebraic Analysis

ICMS 2020 Session: Computational Algebraic Analysis

ICMS 2020: Home, Sessions


Aim and Scope

The theory of D-modules enables an investigation of homogeneous partial linear differential equations with polynomial coefficients by algebraic methods. Many (special) functions arising in a mathematician's or physicist's daily life can be understood by their annihilating ideal in the Weyl algebra. The class of holonomic functions is a prominent, widely-used example for this approach. Applications include maximum likelihood estimates in statistics, volume computations of compact semi-algebraic sets, high precision evaluation of holonomic functions, and local optimization methods. There is a variety of computer algebra systems that allow computations in non-commutative rings of linear partial differential operators. The aim of this session is to give an overview of the broad range of applications, to introduce the participants to existing software, and to discuss recent developments in this field.

Topics (including, but not limited to)


The COVID-19 pandemic effects ICMS 2020 as every planned conference. Despite the extraordinary conditions, ICMS 2020 will happen – as a virtual conference. The speakers are kindly asked to upload recordings of their talks in advance, and the audience is supposed to watch these videos prior to the live discussion session. For Session D "Computational Algebraic Analysis", the discussions on the talks take place during three slots:

Submission Guidelines

For details, see the official guidelines. The most important points are:


(in alphabetical order)

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